State Programs or Resources

State Programs or Resources

SC Assistive Technology Program

The South Carolina Assistive Technology Program (SCATP) is a federally funded program concerned with getting technology into the hands of people with disabilities so that they might live, work, learn and be a more independent part of the community. As part of a national network of technology-related assistance programs, our goal is to enhance independence, productivity and quality of life for all South Carolinians through access to assistive technology devices and services. We provide a device loan and demonstration program, an on-line equipment exchange programtraining, technical assistance, publications, an information listserv and work with various state committees that affect AT acquisition and IT accessibility. We link people with technology and work with consumers, service providers, state agencies and policy makers.

Ticket to Work

Disabled South Carolinians who are interested in going back to work can participate in a variety of training and job search services at the SC Department of Employment and Workforce  (DEW) through a program called Ticket to Work.

A partnership with the U.S. Social Security Administration, Ticket to Work offers people receiving Social Security disability benefits an opportunity to explore their employment options and find meaningful jobs leading to self-sufficiency.

The free and voluntary program can refer eligible Social Security Administration beneficiaries to DEW for in-depth career services including creating a plan to spell out work goals. DEW representatives refer participants to appropriate training services, assist with writing and updating resumes, and help with conducting job searches tailored to skills.

Ticket to Work allows participants to still receive benefits and health insurance while they are searching for stable employment and until they are able to support themselves.

For more information about Ticket to Work, visit the national website at or visit SC DEW at

SC Client Assistance Program

The Client Assistance Program (CAP) is the federally mandated program that advocates for persons with disabilities in South Carolina who are seeking or receiving services through the Vocational Rehabilitation Department (VR), Commission for the Blind (CB), and all Independent Living Programs (IL) and projects funded under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

CAP assists consumers with questions regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title I.