Community Services / Support

Greenville, South Carolina at Falls Park on Reedy Creek

Community Services / Support

Getting Connected

Group of people at a resource fair

There are many resources and services in Greenville County for individuals with disabilities; however, many people miss out because they do not know what is available.  Even service providers and professional do not always know all of the programs, services, and resources that are available in our area.

Our Goal

Greenville CAN’s goal is to ensure that people who need services in Greenville County know about all of the services that are available to them.

How many times have you asked a service provider if they know of anyone who can help with a certain issue only to be told “I’m not aware of anything like that around here?” How many times have you searched the internet for local resources and only found information that is out dated, incomplete, or about services that don’t exist in your community?

Imagine if every service provider you encounter locally knows about all of the services that exist in your community that can help.  This is our goal.

Our Strategy

Staff of Family Connection as a resource fair

Greenville CAN’s strategy to increase the likelihood that individuals with disabilities can connect with needed services by raising the collective knowledge of service providers about all of the services that are available in Greenville County.

Our Methods

  • We are building relationships between service providers and providing opportunities for service providers to learn more about each others organizations through Greenville CAN’s Brown Bag Lunch & Learn Series. .
  • We have compiled a comprehensive database of services specific to Greenville County that will be made available to service providers who will be trained at “system navigators.” .
  • We are developing a process to implement a process where individuals who need more information could call an information line and speak to a real person who would have access to the database of services. .
  • Eventually, we will put information for all of the local services online; however, our main focus is building relationships between providers, helping them expand their networks, and helping them increase their knowledge of available resources.